
Creative Spirit. 34 years of ADA build with us.
Our original article for #NeurodiversityPrideDay explored developing trends reshaping fair-wage employment, diversity, inclusion, and workplace accessibility for the neurodiverse community. Along with those trends, legislation and policies are underway at the state and federal levels to advance neurodiversity rights. From the Autism CARES Act to legislation in New York State, federal efforts to strengthen and...
Spaces for All: How Universal Design Can Transform Neurodiverse Inclusion
Imagine this: you’re an employee who is neurodivergent and/or with physical disabilities, approaching the office on your first day. Yet when you get there, you find that the building lacks an accessibility ramp for your wheelchair, along with other basic accommodations you might need as someone who is neurodivergent. Or you might be a neurodiverse...
Neurodiversity Pride Day June 16th, 2024. Creative Spirit Neurodiversity trends and research 2024.
June 16th is the seventh annual #NeurodiversityPrideDay, a global event celebrating the important role of neurodiversity in society, and the uniqueness of people who are neurodivergent. As Neurodiversity Pride points out, #NeurodiversityPrideDay is notable in being created by and for the neurodiverse community, as well as by the families, friends, and other allies  who...
Image states "building support and community for neurodiverse women #WomensHealthMonth
America is currently facing unemployment rates as high as 30 - 40% for neurodiverse adults, three times higher than the rate for people with physical disabilities, and 8 times higher than the rate for non-disabled people, according to data cited by In this post, we’ve gathered 22 lesser-known facts and statistics about neurodiversity and...
White creative spirit #HireDifferent logo over a purple and blue gradiant background. Framed Below in white reads the title: 22 Statistics About Neurodiversity and Employment.
America is currently facing unemployment rates as high as 30 - 40% for neurodiverse adults, three times higher than the rate for people with physical disabilities, and 8 times higher than the rate for non-disabled people, according to data cited by In this post, we’ve gathered 22 lesser-known facts and statistics about neurodiversity and...
Exceptional memories, expert attention to detail, innovative thinking, and a strong work ethic are just a few of the strengths, skills, and talents employees with autism bring to the workforce. People on the autism spectrum deserve equal opportunities to succeed in employment, full workplace inclusion, and the freedom to make their voices heard. April is...
On April 10, Creative Spirit hosted our annual #RoadtoEquity gala at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to advance our goal of ensuring full workplace inclusion, accessibility, and fair-wage employment for the neurodiverse community. The gala also spotlighted #HireDifferent, our vital, ongoing mission to place at least 1 million candidates in fair-wage roles by end-of-decade....
For many people, the answer might be an idealized image of romance and connection. Yet dating also comes with an array of rules, expectations, and subtle nuances that can be intimidating even for those with experience. For people who are neurodiverse, dating often presents additional challenges, particularly for people on the autism spectrum, who might...
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