Recruitment of individuals with disabilities is the cornerstone of our work. At Creative Spirit, we match this talent with fair-wage, integrated positions at the best companies in the world. Creative Spirit provides resume building, interview training, skills building and ongoing mentorship and coaching to all of our candidates.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to work with Creative Spirit to ensure that the right accommodations are in place, and to work with our coaches even if you have already identified or obtained a job. Creative Spirit’s approach is retention-focused and free of charge to candidates. We make disclosure an advantage in your job search, and we work with employers who are accredited safe places to work and thrive in your career.
To become a Creative Spirit Candidate – Apply Here.
Creative Spirit provides a workplace that is friendly to people with disabilities, particularly those with intellectual, developmental and learning disabilities. Creative Spirit offers workplace consulting, DE&I training, ERG establishment, Lunch ‘n Learns, Leadership training, caregiver support for your. Employees and eAccessability. Creative Spirit ensures that your hiring policies include effective retention practices that include coaching, ongoing training and workplace re-training to promote the long-term success of Creative Spirit talent.
Employer training is at the heart of our work, and Creative Spirit’s corporate partners are powerful allies and participants in our work. Today Creative Spirit focuses on large- and mid-sized employers, i.e., those with the means, ambition and resources to make our mission a reality. Creative Spirit’s consulting team provides expert leadership programs, workshops and company-wide training. Contact Creative Spirit to learn more about how we can jump start your efforts. Coming soon: small business and local community workplace opportunities.
To become an accredited Creative Spirit employer contact Marlene Lieberman at
Since 2017, Creative Spirit has been aggressively expanding the disability conversation beyond a simple expression. Disability is an enormous minority, the largest and most impoverished in the world. There are important segments of the disability community that demand our intentional and overt focus, like women, people of color, women of color in particular. We are looking for partners to expand our work in this arena, bringing meaningful recruitment, identification and employment programs to the table. This work is unprecedented and Creative Spirit is devoted to making equity in disability an equal opportunity conversation. We are looking for allies to underwrite the most extensive diversity study on people with disabilities, those disproportionately impacted–women and people of color.
To become a Creative Spirit BIPOC ally and to learn more about the study contact Laurel Rossi at
Workplace-accessibility benefits all employees, improving productivity, engagement, and retention. Underwrite our Workplace Accessibility Programs or work with Creative Spirit and our trusted technology partners to design custom workplace accommodations for your own company. Earn Workplace Accessibility Certification through our Creative Spirit programs for employers, and learn more about the impact that universal-design can have on employee engagement.
Learn More About Workplace Accessibility or Become an Underwriter of our Programs – See form below.
Creative Spirit came on the scene in 2017 to close the largest employment gap in the United States: individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), who are unemployed at an astounding 85%. There has been no meaningful progress in the halls of Congress, beyond incremental shifts through the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act in 2014 and the ABLE to Work Act, in over 30 years since the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act in 1991. The continued existence of 14C, the ability to pay those with disabilities sub minimum wage, as little as $3.34 a day on average, threatens the dignity and prevents economic stability for people with disabilities.
Creative Spirit is fiercely dedicated to overturning a series of outdated, archaic laws, some dating back to 1938, to ensure people with IDD have a fair shot at the American Dream. Creative Spirit advocates at the federal and state levels of government to ensure people with IDD are at the table where decisions about their futures
are made.
Join us and learn more about advocating for yourself, a family member or as an ally by signing up for our emails – See form below.
Made up of top executives, by invitation only, from organizations willing to make a firm commitment to Creative Spirit’s #HireDifferent Principles, taking significant steps to integrate all diversity, equity and inclusion functions across their own organizations on behalf of people with disabilities— recruiting, mentoring, coaching, rewarding and retaining individuals with IDDs.
The Creative Spirit Corporate Roundtable meets four times per year as a roundtable and for intermittent and opportunistic in-person and/or virtual forums to advance the disability DE&I dialogue and to help generate engagement among other prominent executives. Roundtable members have unlimited access to: Creative Spirit IP, job placement professionals, special workplace training, apprenticeship and internship programs for their employees with and without disabilities, and unlimited marketing opportunities to showcase Creative Spirit Employer Roundtable member logos on promotional materials, in the media and on the Creative Spirit site.
Apply for Corporate Roundtable Membership – see form below.
Creative Spirit has been on the forefront of employment and disability rights since 2017, brokering a dialogue that’s both inclusive and revolutionary. Disability is an enormous minority, the largest and most impoverished in the world. There are important segments of the disability community that demand our intentional and overt focus, like women, people of color, women of color in particular. We are looking for partners to expand our work in this arena, bringing meaningful recruitment, identification and employment programs to the table. This work is unprecedented and Creative Spirit is devoted to making equity in disability an equal opportunity conversation. We are looking for allies to underwrite the most extensive diversity study on people with disabilities, those disproportionately impacted–women and people of color.
To become a Creative Spirit BIPOC ally and to learn more about the study contact Laurel Rossi at
Creative Spirit provides a community for people with disabilities to find friends and allies who understand their unique needs. With accessibility in mind, the company has provided an intuitive platform that fosters relationships that are built on supportive interactions and mutual respect. Creative Spirit will build upon its heritage an open platform to expand the advocacy dialogue and the actual dialogue, encouraging PWD to expand their sphere of support. Our beta platform is in the works.
Those interested in signing up should share their contact information with us.