How Design Live 2020 – Why are only 12% of managers focused on hiring people with #disabilities?

This month, during How Design Live 2020, Creative Spirit co-founder Laurel Rossi, Chief Partnerships Officer #OrganicOmnicom joined a virtual HOW Design Live event hosted by #CeciliaAmbrose lead #UXDesign at, to discuss how Creative Spirit is “myth-busting” to achieve greater workplace inclusion, accommodations, and acceptance for people with IDDs. “The most exciting thing that we’re doing is having a mentor and having professionally-trained coaches to work with the candidates and also the hiring managers,” Laurel said. “It’s a big part of the value proposition that the Creative Spirit brings to the table.” Follow Creative Spirit on social media to hear more of Laurel’s interview and learn more about our work’s latest developments. #HireDifferent How Design Live 2020 #Employment#HowDesign  #Mythbusting.

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