
January 13, 2022
By Menachem Rephun, Communications Manager and Self Advocate Video By @Nathaniel_Edward on TikTok The Solution: Sandy Parrino, former Chairwoman of the National Council on Disability and signatory for the ADA, put it best when she asked this generation of disability advocates: “what happened to all the activists?” As a nonprofit advocating for people with disabilities...
By Menachem Rephun, Communications Manager and Self Advocate It’s been two years since the Covid-19 pandemic turned the world on its ear. During that time, loneliness and isolation have spiked dramatically, especially for people with disabilities, many of whom continue to struggle with lost or restricted access to vital supports, programs, and services. The fact...
Only twelve percent of companies are hiring with disability in mind.
By Laurel Rossi, Co- Founder Creative Spirit I’m always captivated by the optimism of a new year—even in the midst of a global pandemic. I’ve been guilty of declaring that “this is the year I…” many times in the past, but this year is different. In 2022, I’m determined on turning resolutions to raise awareness...